
Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Book Nook Update

And speaking of updates, here's a final picture of the book nook. I think the last time I posted, we weren't quite finished...
So, the bean bag arrived and at first I was worried. It was about 1 ft square and rock solid. The directions said to cut it out of the wrapper and put it in the inner bean bag pouch. It supposedly would start to expand over the next few days. Huh?? The bean bag was going to grow? 
But, it was true! The environmentally friendly bean bag material indeed started to expand and soon, within hours, it was two feet wide.
By the next morning it was 48 inches wide and completely soft. We placed in the book nook, right under the origami dragons. (Here is Edward looking at St. George and his shiny sword.)
With all that reading, little boys need a bit of a nap. Minutes later, there was quiet snoring. Ahhh, double duty book nook! Napping and reading, what a life!
One more picture of the before, for contrast:

I do believe this wasn't a Pinterest fail, for once! Also, the kids had a great time working together to make their ideas happen. Okay, until next time!

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